Lori’s House, a place of hope and healing, provides a Christ Centered home and support to pregnant women during their pivotal time of need. It is our hope that the mothers who experience Lori’s House will leave this place with a purpose along with all the tools and education they need to become wonderful women of God.
Can you imagine being a scared young woman, knowing a life rests inside of you but not knowing how to take care of this precious child either emotionally or financially? Can you imagine wanting to do the right thing, but have no support, no understanding and no hope?
Now imagine this young woman as God’s love changes her heart. At Lori’s House, this woman will be accepted, embraced and welcomed. She will know that God believes in her and that we believe in her too. She will receive the opportunity to experience the joy of bringing a new life, so precious to Jesus, into this world!
There is no charge to a young woman who wants to live at Lori’s House through her pregnancy. The ministry, through generous donations, will provide assistance for food, necessities, educational materials, job training, counseling and an environment that is healthy and positive for both mother and baby.
Lori’s House Website for more information
Lori’s House