Ancient Church Found During Highway Construction

Daniel 12:4 NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

The expansion of the Jersualem-Tel Aviv highway has resulted in the discovery of an ancient church.

The workers were near a spring called Ein Naqa’a when they discovered a Byzantine-era way station and church.  Antiquities Authority estimated the find as being 1,500 years old.

“Churches like the one just discovered at the entrance to Abu Ghosh were built along the road as part of the services offered along it,” Annette Naga said. “Other churches were discovered in the past in Abu Ghosh and in Kiryat Ye’arim.”

The church’s mosaic floor was uncovered along with a series of unique items.  Shards of plaster was found that had been painted red indicating that frescoes were painted on the sites of the buildings.

A baptismal font was also found at the site.

“This road station ceased to be used at the end of the Byzantine period, although the road beside which it was built was renewed and continued to be in use until modern times,” said Nagar.

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