LAFD payroll fiasco ‘Some people are out $30-40,000.’ Guys had to take out loans and credit cards to pay their mortgages

LAFD staff spoke on condition of anonymity, out of fear of retaliation by top brass - AP

Important Takeaways:

  • Los Angeles firefighters are claiming they are owed tens of thousands of dollars due to months of payroll errors – with some being forced to take out credit cards and loans to make ends meet.
  • Outraged senior LAFD officials claimed colleagues have been forced to take out credit cards and loans to avoid missing mortgage payments, with some allegedly owed $30,000 to 40,000.
  • Some in the organization even said they are being skimped out of their paychecks – with payroll distributing $200 instead of several thousand.
  • Meanwhile, as reported, Fire Chief Kristin Crowley stands accused of refusing to return $37,000 in accidental overpay, an ongoing lawsuit by a former LAFD attorney said.
  • Firefighters shared payslips with showing the apparent errors – including pay being docked rather than added for working overtime, and deductions for healthcare allegedly inflated ten times what they should have been.
  • LAFD staff spoke on condition of anonymity, out of fear of retaliation by top brass.
  • ‘They’re wanting us to work more and more, but they’re not paying us correctly. It’s a fiasco,’ said one senior LAFD official, who has been trying to help dozens of staff with alleged pay errors.
  • ‘It’s not a couple thousand dollars per guy, it’s tens of thousands of dollars.
  • ‘Some people are out $30-40,000. Guys had to take out loans and credit cards to pay their mortgages.
  • ‘They switched over to a new payroll company called Workday. Once they switched it over, everybody’s pay went haywire.’
  • Workday did not respond to a request for comment.
  • Another LAFD firefighter told ‘We transitioned to a new pay program a few months ago, it’s a disaster. A lot of guys’ pay is a mess.’

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