“I Met Messiah”

Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

A new website is showing video testimonies of Jews who have received Jesus as Messiah.

The site, IMetMessiah.com, is aimed at bringing the good news of Christ to Jews who are interested in knowing more about Him.

“As Jewish people, most of us grow up without considering whether or not Yeshua is the Messiah expected by our people for millennia,” Eitan Bar, the site’s founder, explains in a video. “Yet, something happened in our lives that changed each of us and caused us to rethink the usual Jewish views about Jesus.”

“We offer these stories to you and hope that your relationship with God will deepen through meeting our storytellers,” Bar adds.

The site has over a dozen testimonies from Jewish businessmen and women who have discovered Jesus as Lord.

“I was frustrated,” Grant Berry recalled. “Here Maria was, this Christian girl that had a relationship with my God—the God of Abraham—and here I was, a Jew, trying to have a relationship with my God—the God of Abraham—and nothing. I was disconnected.”

Berry told his Christian friend about frustration with feeling that he was unable to reach God.

“I have been trying to tell you for six to eight months … You can’t have the Father without the Son,” Maria replied.

3 thoughts on ““I Met Messiah”

  1. I met my Messiah Yeshua Ha Mashiach on my way to take my life with an overdose of pills. I heard an audible voice in my car and the doors would not open for me to get out and fill out the sleeping pills. This was in 1997 and since then my life has been transformed from the inside out. I am on fire for Yeshua, He is the lover of my soul, everyday, all day, all night. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets the name of Yeshua will be praised. I worship my god who answers by fire. (1 Kings 18)

    • I Echo your testimony Terri to His Glory. About a year ago, while undergoing a long stream of trials, consequently battling with depression, I was considering to end it all… wrestling with the Almighty while driving and crying I was telling Him: I know that you exist, but it appears that you are deaf to my supplications. At that VERY Instant, a text came through in my cell phone. And the conversation that followed was a clear indicator that He was listening indeed.
      And still in shock I remember asking the person who contacted me, after a year of no communication, what did prompted him to call, and his answer was a confirmation to me: “God told me to call you and I did” .
      Even when it doesn’t seem He is listening, He is behind every aspect of life, for diminutive it might be.

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