New India Prime Minster Could Cause Tension With Muslims

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

The partial results in India’s national election shows a major landslide victory for opposition leader Narendra Modi, making him the country’s next prime minister.

The election results are causing international observers to be concerned about the future security of the nation as the country’s 138 million Muslims see Modi as an enemy.

Modi, a Hindu nationalist, reportedly was a leader in a region of the country where a 2005 riot led to the deaths of many Muslims.  Islamic leaders in the country say that Modi did not do enough to stop the violence and have sworn to do all they can to undermine Modi.

The results seem to show that the BJP party will have total control of the parliament, the first time one party will have complete control without building a coalition since 1984 following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

India is on the verge of becoming a major world power as many young India residents are taking their experience with technology and beginning their own tech corporations.  The younger residents are also more westernized and then to look at Europe and the U.S. for their inspirations, which will cause disruptions in India’s traditional culture.

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