A Critical Time

This is a critical time.  Any time after this, we will have done all we could do and our time is over.  Then the seals will open and the trumpets will blow and nothing we do or say will affect anything when that begins.

I’m struck with a sense of profoundness for this very small window of time.  God uses vessels like us to discern and alert and inform.  We cannot err in discerning the Times – and after we discern, we must alert and inform others.  These are truly the days we were born for… for this, the grand finale.

One of the dangers of the End Times is hearing so much and understanding so little.  Even the church fails to discern the meaning of End Time events because they have heard it so much and so often, it has lost its impact.  We can’t become desensitized to End Times events!

We are bombarded every day with information from every direction.  So much information, so many words coming at us from everywhere; our televisions, smart phones, ipads, and even our proximity to others is constantly feeding us information.  I know that the plan of the enemy includes distractions and confusion caused by so much ‘noise’ that it makes it hard to hear the important things!

In all this information (knowledge), the greatest thing we must be listening for is the voice of our Lord.

Many times, in the Bible, when men of God received a special message from God, it was after withdrawing themselves to a time of solitude to be able to hear from Him alone.  If ever we needed to hear from God, it’s now.

We have a supreme challenge in the days we live in to not only discern the Times, but to find the time to be still before the Lord in order to hear His voice.

A few Sundays ago, my son Ricky ministered a profound word that we all need to hear.  He said, “There’s a time to stop speaking and listen.  Sometimes we just need to be quiet before the Lord, and now is God’s time to speak to us.”

Sometimes, a constant flow of information is just a distraction from the greater thing.

I learned about distractions years ago when I was trying to spend quality time with the Lord and a honey bee began buzzing around me.  I heard the Lord say, “even the buzzing bee distracts you!”

Even when life demands our time and attention, we must find the time to spend alone so that God can speak to us.  That’s why I often get up in the middle of the night and sit quietly before the Lord.  That’s the only time I can be without distractions!

Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if, after we have studied, talked about, and generally saturated ourselves with information about the End Times, that we become so busy, busy, busy in our thoughts and activities that we miss the voice of the Lord instructing us in every move we make in our own strategic mission?

Only after we have “been with Jesus” can we hear Him and His instructions for these amazing final days.