Ancient Tablet Confirms Jewish Exile in Babylon

Daniel 12:4 NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

Over 100 tablets that have been dated back to Nebuchadnezzar’s era in Babylon have provided further support for the Scriptures showing the exile of the Jewish nation.

The tablets, which have just gone in display in Jerusalem, provide a look into the lives of the Jews as they lived in exile.  Among day to day life items, the tablets trace a Judean family over four generations.

The tablets had been discovered in Iraq and rescued from ISIS by a UK-based Israeli collector.  The artifacts are written in ancient akkadian cuneiform script.

“We started reading the tablets and within minutes we were absolutely stunned,” Babylonian expert Filip Vukosavovic told reporters. “It fills in a critical gap in understanding of what was going on in the life of Judeans in Babylonia more than 2,500 years ago.”

“On the one hand it’s boring details, but on the other you learn so much about who these exiled people were and how they lived,” he added.

The tablets will be displayed for one year at the Bible Land Museum in Jerusalem.

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