Islamists Force Christians To Pay To Live

John 16:2 Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

Islamic terrorists in Syria are forcing Christians to sign documents agreeing to pay hundreds of dollars or be killed for refusing to convert to Islam.

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, an al-Qaeda related terrorist group, has obtained a level of control in parts of Syria that they are giving Christians the options to convert to Islam or pay money to not be killed.

The agreement says that any Christian who doesn’t want to be killed has to pay four gold dinars twice a year, which amounts to about $500 American dollars per six months.  The agreement says that middle class Christians will pay half the total and poor pays one quarter of the cost.

The agreement also puts heavy restrictions on Christians regarding their worship.  While they will be able to worship, they cannot build new churches or replace any churches that are destroyed by government troops, Islamic terror groups or even ordinary Muslims.

Christians are also prohibited from stopping any Christian from converting to Islam who wishes to do so.  They also cannot engage in commerce involving pork.

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