My Heart for My Generation

We really are living in such a prophetic time!  This is a time like never before or ever again.  It’s such a worldly time and there’s hardly anything on television worth watching.  Jim and I have become news junkies because of this fact!

It breaks my heart to see some of the things the kids are now subjected to on television, and they’re watching it because that’s all there is!  What troubles me is that we are losing all of our values, not just in this nation but in the world!  This isn’t just a cliché – it’s a fact – a fact that anyone who loves God should be alarmed about.

For my generation, even in the crazy times we didn’t lose our values.  We still knew right from wrong but now, there isn’t any such thing!  It’s considered hateful now to even voice your opinion of what is right and wrong.  Everybody is doing what they think is right in their own eyes!  The Bible talks about that!  (Judges 17:6, 21:25, Proverbs 14:12) Continue reading