Message and meaning behind the beloved hymn ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’

Oh Come Emmanuel

Important Takeaways:

  • During Advent, many Christians sing the beloved hymn, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”
  • CBN News combined the music of this hymn, played by renowned violinist Maurice Sklar, with an explanation of the background and meaning of the song …
  • “The hymn was originally taken from a series of sayings that we call antiphons,” she explained. “An antiphon is a saying or an acclimation that is made before the reading of a psalm or a canticle. And each one is based on the titles of the Messiah found in the Old Testament.”
  • ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel ‘ – Emmanuel, of course, is the title given to the Messiah in Isaiah, chapter 7, where Isaiah prophesies that a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and will call His name Emmanuel. The Gospel of Matthew applies this very scripture to Jesus at His birth,” Pfann explained.
  • “Another one of the titles applied to the Messiah that is adapted into the song is the Rod of Jesse. ‘O Come thou Rod of Jesse, come,’ she said.
  • The Rod of Jesse, Pfann noted, is referenced in chapter 11 of Isaiah.
  • “The Rod of Jesse refers, of course, to the kingship, to the ruling,” she said. “Jesse was the father of David. And so when we sing of the Rod of Jesse we’re singing of the descendant of David, the Messiah, Jesus.”
  • “One of the verses of ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’ calls for the Dayspring from on high to arise. ‘O Come thou Dayspring, come and share our hearts,'” she said.
  • “The Dayspring refers to Malachi, chapter 4, where we read that the Son of Righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings,” Pfann explained.
  • “This verse does not refer so much to the kingship of the Messiah but it refers to His tenderness, to His personal-ness, to His compassion to those who are weary, for those who suffer and toil – crying out that the Dayspring, the Son of Righteousness will come with healing not only for our bodies but for our hearts, our souls, and our spirits,” she said.
  • “Another one is the Key of David,” she said. “Come Thou Key of David, come and open up the way to our Heavenly home. The Key of David comes from Isaiah 22.”
  • “It speaks of that opening, that passage, that freedom of access that is echoed in the Book of Revelation when Jesus gives the Key of David, which opens doors that no man can shut,”
  • “Another very beautiful theme that is touched on in the hymn is when they refer to the Messiah as the Lord of Might,” Pfann continued.
  • “The Lord of Might of course comes from Isaiah when it speaks in Isaiah, chapter 11 that upon Him will rest the Spirit of counsel and wisdom and might and understanding,” she said.
  • “But the hymn reflects on the Lord of Might as being the One who gives the Word of the Lord – on Sinai’s height gave the law. And of course, the Word of the Lord is not simply the law but it’s really Jesus Himself. Jesus is the Word of God,” she explained.
  • “The song ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ is evoking that longing and expectation that we have,” Pfann said. “We celebrate that Jesus has already come. But we know that something is not yet complete.”
  • “So, it’s a very beautiful song because it has an echo of the past but a tremendous anticipation of that glorious coming when the Rod of Jesse, the Key of David, the One Who is Almighty, God with Us, will establish His Kingdom on earth,” she continued.
  • “I like to think of Emmanuel, God with me today, God perfectly present,” she said. “God who brings His salvation at this moment, God who became Jesus, who showed His love for us in laying down His life, who calls me by name, who calls each of us by name, who loves us as a Father, who loves us as a Shepherd, who loves us as a king.”
  • “Today He cries out for the salvation of each human being,” she said. “Today is the day of salvation. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow. We can celebrate Emmanuel, God with us, today.”

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Kamala draws a line with Christians: saying ‘Jesus is Lord’ means “you’re at the wrong rally”

Harris insults Christians at rally

Important Takeaways:

Mario Murillo:

  • Kamala Harris just told Christians they should not vote for her.
  • Her exact words were, “You are in the wrong rally.” How does that equate to, “If you are Christian, you should not vote for me”? Here is the explanation. It happened at her Wisconsin rally.
  • While speaking, she declared the glory of abortion. The crowd, which had been subdued till then, began cheering wildly in favor of killing babies. When the cheers died down, a man in the crowd shouted, “Jesus is Lord!”
  • Harris taunted the man by saying, “You are in the wrong rally.”
  • The man had said nothing against abortion. The man wore nothing MAGA. The only thing Harris knew was that he was a Christian. The crowd cheered again, apparently thrilled to know that Christians are not welcome in their party.
  • But there is something more significant. As I said, the man wore nothing that showed he was a Trump supporter. This makes what she said even more blatant. She is telling us that Christians belong in the Trump campaign, but not in the Democratic campaign.
  • Her insult of Christians began the day before. Harris had offended Catholics by skipping the Al Smith dinner, the one dinner political candidates running for president must never miss.
  • This was not a harmless snub. It speaks to something much deeper. Rachel Murray is an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion, (you know, “woke”). In her article “Silence is Complicity,” she said, “Not showing up means that even if you aren’t actively taking the side of an aggressor, you are implicitly doing that.”
  • Kamala’s insults are strategic. She is an aggressor against the body of Christ. Her tactics are straight out of the handbook “Rules for Radicals” by the late communist Saul Alinsky.
  • I think God in His mercy let her blurt this out. Now you know Christians aren’t welcome in her world. And therefore, Christians won’t be welcome in her plans for America. I believe God did it for the Christians who are on the fence. Or—God forbid—are going to vote for her.

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Under Tim Walz people are forced to testify to beliefs they don’t hold or be banned from teaching in Public schools


Important Takeaways:

  • Effective July 2025, teacher licensing rules passed last year in Minnesota under Democrat Gov. Tim Walz will ban practicing Christians, Jews, and Muslims from teaching in public schools.
  • …Minnesota agencies controlled by Walz appointees will require teacher license applicants to affirm transgenderism and race Marxism. Without a teaching license, individuals cannot work in Minnesota public schools, nor in the private schools that require such licenses.
  • The latest version of the regulations requires teachers to “affirm” students’ “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to receive a Minnesota teaching license:
    • The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves (emphasis added).
  • Last spring, administrative law judges finally approved these pending changes The Federalist reported one month before they were finalized. Universities are also affected: starting in 2025, they must either train their teaching students to fulfill these anti-Christian requirements or be banned from offering state licensing — and thus the ticket to the vast majority of teaching jobs — to their students.
  • Since 2020 in Minnesota, teachers renewing their licenses, which is usually required every five to seven years, must demonstrate “cultural competency” similar to the requirements imposed in 2025 on new teaching licensees. Teachers renewing their licensing must “Show[] evidence of self-reflection and discussion of” topics that include “Gender Identity, Including Transgender Students” and “Sexual Orientation.” They must also show they understand “bias” in themselves and their students related to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other cultural Marxist categories.
  • Doug Seaton, founder and president of the nonprofit Upper Midwest Law Center, located in Minneapolis, said…
  • Minnesota’s teacher requirements therefore force Christians, Muslims, Jews, and adherents to other religions to violate their faith and endanger their hopes of eternal life in order to work in government-run schools.
  • Forcing people to testify to beliefs they don’t hold, often called compelled speech, is clearly unconstitutional, he said: “They’re essentially requiring people to affirm these ideas that they don’t really believe, in many cases, as a condition of being a public-school teacher or being part of a program to be a licensed public-school teacher. You can’t force that kind of speech; you can’t require adherence to ideas that aren’t believed.”

Read the original article by clicking here.

The World is truly looking for a new leader: Biblical events are being set so keep your eyes looking up


Important Takeaways:

  • The World’s Desire For Change Could Open The Door To The Most Terrible Villain In History
  • We enjoy living “quiet and peaceable” lives in Christ. Yet we know that the earth is headed for dark times. Christians will miss the worst of it, but until the rapture, we will see bad stuff. Chaos and fear will fuel Antichrist’s rise to power. The bedlam preparing the world for those times of chaos and fear, seems to have already begun. People have a deep sense of dissatisfaction. And that spells trouble for political incumbents worldwide
  • In the United Kingdom, conservatives are out and liberals in. In France, conservatives are rising and liberals diminishing. In fact, most of Europe has taken a turn to the right this year, including the EU itself. People everywhere are expressing frustration with their present leadership — whichever direction it leans. Dissatisfaction with incumbents is now a global phenomenon.
  • In just the last few days there have been increasing calls for the resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In Iran, where choices are greatly limited, people just elected the most reformist candidate available to them. The world over, people want change
  • Then there is the United States. Here, the incumbent president faces a growing rebellion among leaders of his own party. Some have openly questioned his competence to run for reelection.
  • In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu faces unprecedented levels of criticism across the political spectrum. Either he’s prosecuting the war with too much vigor or not enough. Every peace plan is a political minefield, but so is every plan to continue the war.
  • The book of Daniel says that the seven years of tribulation will begin when Israel confirms a treaty with Antichrist.
  • I believe the present wave of global desperation will grow to a point of global anguish. And that anguish will call forth the most terrible villain of human history.
  • But remember. If you are a follower of Jesus, you’re not looking for Antichrist. You’re looking for the real Christ. Before the brief time of Antichrist’s reign, Jesus will snatch His people away from this world at the rapture. So, keep looking up!

Read the original article by clicking here.

Not widely reported is the ongoing Persecution of Christians


Important Takeaways:

  • Muslim Slaughter of, and Violence against, Christians
    • Nigeria: Some May headlines from the ongoing Muslim genocide of Christians in the African nation:
    • May 1: “Fulani Herdsmen Kill 12 Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria”
    • May 6: “Herdsmen Kill 28 Christians in Benue State, Nigeria”
    • May 7: “Six Christians Killed, Eight Wounded in Kaduna State, Nigeria”
    • May 10: “Suspected Fulani Herdsmen Attack Catholic School in Nigeria”
    • May 14: “Christians, Others Increasingly Targeted in Plateau State, Nigeria: Amnesty International reports 1,336 people killed in three months”
  • A raging Muslim mob attacked and savagely beat a 74-year-old Christian man, on what turned out to be a false accusation of “blasphemy”. Nine days later, on June 3, Nazir Masih Gill died from his many injuries, including a smashed skull. — Morning Star News, June 3, 2024, Pakistan.
  • The Muslim employer of Saima Bibi, a 24-year-old Christian woman, dragged her outside and shoved her toward an electric chaff cutter—which sliced off one of her ears, cut off most of her scalp, and injured an eye. Her husband, Shahzad, who worked on the same farm and was present, said that one of their employers, Muhammad Mustafa, was angry that they were taking a break and ordered them to cut fodder for the cattle. — Morning Star News, May 15, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Shahid Masih, a 35-year-old Christian dairy worker, was falsely accused of theft and subjected to “merciless torture” at the hands of Muhammad Ijaz. It included forcing him to ingest acid, from which he died in the hospital 11 days later…. Last reported, authorities are refusing to prosecute Muhammad Ijaz and his murderous accomplices. —, May 15, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Many other attacks on churches in France persisted throughout the month of May, including arson attacks, general desecrations, desecrations of cemeteries, defecations in churches and urination in their baptismal fonts, and bomb threats. — France.
  • “Imagine the uproar if it was Christians throwing rocks at a mosque? MPs and the media would be all over it screaming ‘Islamophobia!'” — Tommy Robinson, British activist,, May 1, 2024, England.
  • The Church of the Holy Trinity was vandalized with Islamic graffiti, which included “Allah Akbar,” “Remove this church from here,” “Only Muslims are here,” “We don’t want churches, we want mosques,” and “Islam is the only true religion!” —, May 15, 2024, Kosovo.

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ISIS leader urges ‘lone wolf’ attacks in the United States, Europe and Israel


Important Takeaways:

  • ISIS calls for ‘lone wolves’ to carry out Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews across Europe, US and Israel
  • A top ISIS spokesman has called on ‘lone wolves’ worldwide to slaughter Christians and Jews en-masse in a chilling new declaration of terror.
  • In a 41-minute-long recording to mark the 10-year anniversary of ISIS declaration of a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari declared Ramadan as the ‘month of jihad’ and urged extremists to launch attacks in the United States, Europe and Israel.
  • He went on to urge Muslims to leave their homes and migrate to join up with jihadists and strengthen their ranks.
  • Al-Ansari’s deplorable message comes after he launched a campaign in January entitled ‘Kill Them Wherever You Find Them’, in which he called for renewed focus on terror attacks and reminded Muslims that the Israel-Palestine conflict is a war on Jews, not just Israel.
  • ‘It is a religious ideological war that will continue until we kill their antichrist under the banner of the Prophet of Allah… tighten the plans and diversify operations: Blow them up with explosives, burn them with incendiary bombs, shoot them with bullets, slaughter their necks with knives, and run them over with buses,’ he said.
  • In the days after his announcement on January 4, ISIS affiliates claimed a flurry of fresh terror attacks, including the bombing of Kerman in Iran which killed over 100 people.

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Since attack on Israel in October, the terror threat system had been raised to the highest level as ISIS urges Global attacks, the French Prime Minister announced


Important Takeaways:

  • As World Marks Easter, ISIS Urges Global Attacks on Christians, Jews in Honor of Ramadan
  • As the Christian world celebrates Easter, the Islamic State (ISIS) is calling upon Muslims to attack Christians and Jews globally during the closing weeks of Ramadan, specifically targeting Western and democratic nations, including America, Israel, and European states, as part of its ongoing jihad campaign.
  • The directive was issued via Telegram by Islamic State spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari, who also praised the recent deadly attack on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall music venue that saw at least 143 people killed by terrorists from ISIS-K (the Afghanistan affiliate of ISIS) who fired on some of the estimated 6,000 attendees of a rock concert.
  • Following the attack, the Islamic State faction circulated a selfie taken by the gunmen, lauding the “bloody attack” against a “large crowd of Christians.”
  • Urging the group’s supporters to attack “crusaders” everywhere, the terror group’s spokesman told them, “We ask God that you make it to Palestine so you could fight the Jews face to face in an endless religious war.”
  • Furthermore, he called for increased attacks by ISIS members in Mozambique and the Philippines.
  • The disclosure comes as French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced last week that the terror threat system had been raised to its highest level. It had previously been raised to its highest level in October after a teacher was stabbed to death by a Chechnyan migrant amid calls from the Palestinian terror group Hamas for a global “day of jihad” in the wake of the October 7 terror attacks on Israel.

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Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden Putting Christians in Prison for Praying


Important Takeaways:

  • Tucker Carlson has accused President Joe Biden’s administration of targeting a pro-life father for praying and singing outside of an abortion clinic, warning that the administration “fears” that type of activity.
  • Paul Vaughn, the Tennessee father of 11 children, was arrested by the FBI in October 2022 and charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act
  • Vaughn said that the FBI came to his home, “guns pointed at the door, banging on the house, yelling and screaming, ‘Open up! FBI.’”
  • “Seeing that the easiest path to de-escalation was me in handcuffs, I stepped outside and put an end to the ranting and the banging and the yelling.”
  • “The question is,” Tucker Carlson asked, “what exactly did he do? Was he a terrorist, a serial killer? Was he trying to invade the country? No. Paul Vaughn, had dared to pray and sing hymns in the hallway of an abortion clinic.
  • “In other words, he did what the Biden administration really fears,” Carlson continued. “He prayed. And for doing that, he faces 11 years in prison.”
  • Vaughn said that he believes the Biden DOJ’s intent with its “heavy-handed raid” was to “strike fear into Christians in the nation.”
  • “It really is a moment for the church,” Carlson reflected. “If you’re an American Christian leader and you’re standing by without saying anything as a man faces 11 years in prison for saying prayers, I think it’s time to assess yourself.”

Read the original article by clicking here.

Kirk Cameron says loving your neighbor doesn’t mean giving up your rights and tolerating evil

Kirk Cameron

Important Takeaways:

  • Actor Kirk Cameron Urges Christians Not To ‘Turn The Other Cheek’ When It Comes To Tolerating ‘Tyranny’
  • While appearing on the “Timcast IRL” podcast with Tim Pool last week, Cameron discussed his fight against “religious viewpoint discrimination” in public libraries across the country. During their conversation, Pool suggested that Christians may be partly to blame for America’s decline because they have become too tolerant and accepting.
  • “Christians in this country are good people who keep saying OK to these people, being tolerant, allowing them to live the way they want to live,” Pool said. “But what happens is they push more into the institutions, they introduce dangerous, bad ideas, they start targeting kids, and now we’re here where we are today.”
  • Cameron was quick to agree, saying that the biblical commands to “turn the other cheek” and “love your neighbor” were never meant to apply to tolerating tyranny.
  • “I see so many who are just tolerating evil and that’s not loving your neighbor,” lamented Cameron, 53. “At the end of the day, the two great Commandments of Christianity are to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength, and the second is like it, to love your neighbor as yourself.”
  • “If you ‘tolerate’ the kinds of things that bring misery to your neighbors and ultimately strip them of their liberties, you’re not loving them,” he added.

Read the original article by clicking here.

America’s rocky soil has developed Christians with no real depth and faulters with every change of culture: Discipleship is more important than numbers in the seats


Important Takeaways:

  • The Rise and Fall of Evangelical America
  • In the parable of the sower, Jesus illustrated how the seed of God’s Word flourishes or perishes depending on the kind of ground it falls on. Some seeds fell on a path, and birds ate them. Some fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the seedlings. “Other seeds,” said Jesus, “fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered away.”
  • That rocky soil group aptly describes the rapid rise and decline of evangelicals in America in recent decades. Recently, political scientist Ryan Burge, co-author of The Great Dechurching, explained how, between 1983 and 1993, the share of Americans who identified as evangelicals exploded. In fact, at their height in the early ’90s, nearly a third of Americans called themselves evangelical.
  • Part of the story of what happened is the rise of the “nones,” those who claim no religious affiliation. Between 1991 and today, the percentage of Americans who identify as “nones” skyrocketed from 6% to 29%. Burge calls this “the most significant shift in American society over the last thirty years.”
  • Perhaps, given how quickly the evangelical bubble burst, part of the problem was that it was filled with shallow belief. Or to switch back to Jesus’ metaphor, perhaps some of the seeds that came up so quickly in the final decades of the 20th century—amid chart-topping Christian albums, huge music festivals, and sprouting non-denominational megachurches—lacked deep roots.
  • Jesus never told us that the goal was to get bodies through the doors or bottoms in the chairs. It was to make disciples committed to Christ and His Kingdom—disciples who would in turn “bear much fruit.”
  • This means teaching the Bible as if it is the true account of reality, contrasting a biblical understanding of things with those widely accepted, meeting challenges from the wider culture head-on, answering tough questions about the faith, teaching Christians to take seriously Christ’s sovereignty over all of life, belonging and not merely attending church, and teaching worship as everything we do, not just when we sing.
  • It also means recognizing the role cultural currents play in eroding faith—especially those undermining marriage and the family. As Mary Eberstadt wrote almost 10 years ago in How the West Really Lost God, one of the most powerful forces behind secularization and the rise of the “nones” is the decline of the family
  • That’s why, despite evangelical decline in America, we continue to till the soil and trust the Sower, fully believing He can produce deeper roots than before and fully expecting the hundredfold harvest He described.

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