Franklin Graham Tells Pastors To Stop Being Cowards

Reverend Franklin Graham took a bold stand in addressing pastors at the Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing, telling them that it’s time for God’s leaders to stop being cowards.

In his speech, titled “Standing Strong on the Controversial Issues,” Graham focused on Revelation 21:8 where God lists eight groups of people who will be “in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”  First on that list was the cowardly.

“The definition of a coward: a coward will not confront an issue that needs to be confronted due to fear. That is a coward,” said Graham.  “God hates cowards. And the cowards that the Lord is referring to are the men and women who know the truth but refuse to speak it.”

Graham said that America needs God’s men and women to stand up and speak the truth of the Scriptures with boldness and that “you’re not going to shut me up.”  He said that he’s spoken with many pastors who say they want to preach the gospel but don’t want to become the target of anti-Christian activists.

“Well don’t you think the Lord Jesus Christ was a target?” asked Graham. “Could we get our heads chopped off? We could, maybe one day. So what? Chop it off!”

Other speakers at the event included Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, Bishop Harry Jackson and Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

“Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant”

I’ve talked often on the show about my revelations received while I was in prison.  Going away for a while had a major impact on my life and ministry.  God corrected me through His Word and turned me around in ways that I never thought possible and shook up my theology.  Things that I had been teaching, right along with the majority of the other full gospel preachers, became glaring errors and I recognized, for the first time, my own responsibility in correcting these things.  I knew that if I ever had a platform for preaching the Gospel again, I would have to address the errors of what I had taught… without excuse.

That’s why I wrote the book, “I Was Wrong” and that’s why I continue to expose the love of money errors that were perpetuated by twisting certain scriptures to extract a certain meaning.  I will never back away from my stand on those errors, or I wouldn’t be able to stand before God with a good conscience if I did. Continue reading

A Major March

On New Year’s Eve 2010, God showed me that the coming month of March would be a “Major March”.  A time of major upheaval but also a time of extreme answers to prayers and blessing for Gods people.    In addition to the New Year’s Eve warning, God again brought a warning  while taping  our television broadcast, that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake was coming, this was a week before the earthquake hit Japan.  We are now witnessing the apocalyptic events in Japan that were undoubtedly a part of both of those warnings.  More earthquakes and major events are coming to Japan very soon.  California and the area from Illinois and Missouri to Arkansas will have major events in the future.  Keep you eyes on the Ring of Fire.

On July 12, 2005, God showed me New Orleans under water.  Forty-one days later, on August 29, 2005, hurricane Katrina hit.

In 1999, God showed me 31 things that will come to pass shortly and most already have.

When I tell you of the warnings God gives me and how they come to pass, I’m doing so because I want you to know how much He cares for you – enough to send you a message through a watchman ahead of time so that you can be ready!  Throughout the Bible, God uses people in certain capacities to deliver His messages and warnings.  These warnings aren’t just meant for me and my family.  No!  These messages and warnings are for the entire family of God so that they can prepare, first their hearts, and then to help themselves and others in practical ways in Times of Trouble.

I do not claim to be a prophet but I am a watchman whom the Lord Jesus uses to warn others to be ready for impending calamity.  Jim Bakker is human and has “feet of clay” just like you do.  I’m not perfect – the only perfect people are the people you don’t know very well, except for Jesus!  I don’t want people to believe in me – I want them to believe in Jesus!  If you put your hope in men, they will fail you.  We are to glorify Jesus, not any man!  Jesus must be on the throne – and we are to be looking unto Jesus as author and finisher of our faith.  We are to be looking with intensity, an intense gaze!  If you lose focus in this hour, you may not have the time to regain your bearings!

The speed with which Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled is mind-boggling.  NOW is the time to get our heads on straight and get our hearts right with God.  NOW is the time to prepare for Times of Trouble.  Remember Revelation warns us when the last days events began they will happen quickly many at one time one right after another!

We will be comforted during the Times of Trouble, and we are not appointed to God’s wrath; but Jesus warns over and over to prepare, both physically and spiritually for what is coming during these times.

The Lord also gave me a dream right before New Year’s Eve about huge waves sweeping down through the streets and over people.  In the dream, I was running into a large tower-like structure and screaming for the people to follow me!  As we climbed higher and higher in the tower I could see the huge waves coming up the streets just as we see in the pictures on television from Japan.

I wouldn’t be a Friend of God or your friend if I didn’t tell you what I’m sensing and hearing.  It’s time to run to God – it’s time to run into the Strong Tower of God and be safe!  It’s time to get ready for the great waves of the Times of Trouble.  They are upon us.

Proverbs 18:10 tells us “ The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and they are safe.”

