By Kami Klein
The PTL Television Network is filled with Christian Programming relevant to the world today. Along with The Jim Bakker Show, our broadcasting list of dynamic prophetic shows offers something for everyone! Occasionally we love to highlight programming that our viewers are asking for! One of these programs is “Prophetic Perspectives, Strategic Insights for Our Time” hosted by Rick Joyner.
Rick Joyner is a true Christian Leader for today. Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries, he has authored more than forty books. His opinion is sought after by leaders all over the world for his no-nonsense, biblical and common sense approach that you will experience in these riveting discussions. Rick illuminates the current events of today with direct, informed and God-inspired thought. Recently on “Prophetic Perspectives”, Rick began a series with guest author and publisher Brad Cummings and David Barton, an expert on historical and constitutional history.
Those who enjoy The Jim Bakker Show may remember Brad and David when they were guests in July 2019. The information they shared on the founders of this nation, the principals on which this nation was built and the biblical truths regarding our country were enthralling. Many viewers wanted to hear more! Right now on Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner presents The Founders Series. These in-depth conversations with Brad Cummings and David Barton focus on the true historical events for the United States of America as well as what was happening with the Christians of that day and today.
This series will surprise you as will many topics of Rick Joyner’s program. You can view this show anytime with a whole library of previous episodes to bring your biblical teachings to a new level.
You can watch “Prophetic Perspectives” on the PTL Network from your Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV or ptlnetwork.com. And don’t forget that we now offer an app for your phone so you can watch and get your inspiration wherever you are!
Simply go to the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Kindle’s App Store; type in PTL Television Network under the search and get your free download today!